Capt Thomas Masterman Hardy (Kiss me Hardy)

Autograph letter framed, in the hand of Capt Thomas Masternam Hardy, Lord Nelson's Flag Commander on the 'Victory' at the Battle of Trafalgar, dated 21 July, 1834 from the Admiralty

'Sir, I am favored (sic) with your letter of the 19th instant and beg to say that I shall have great pleasure in recommending you to the notice of Sir William Bartu. I remain Sir, Your very humble servant, T.M. Hardy'

Comes with an original lithograph of Hardy (c1820) and a print of Nelson's death scene with Capt Hardy standing over Nelson's prostrate form as he lies dying on the 'Victory' having been told by Hardy of the victory over the combined French and Spanish fleets off Trafalgar on 21 October, 1805.


Main Image
Framed letter by Capt Thomas Hardy with original lithograph of Hardy.
More Images
Letter in the hand of Capt Thomas Masterman Hardy dated 21 July, 1834
Reverse of letter in the hand of Capt Thomas Masterman Hardy.
Original lithograph of Capt Thomas Masterman Hardy
Capt Hardy standing over a dying Lord Nelson on the 'Victory' 21 October, 1805