Ephemera unsigned. Several strands of hair in gold-toned decorative frame affixed to 8¼x10¾ sheet. At the right is a reproduction of a letter of provenance signed: "Helene J. Pierce", which was notarized. (Wayne County), Michigan, Thursday, 1998 March 12. In full: "My father, Joseph Zaroski, was Henry Ford's barber from 1929 to 1944 at the Dearborn Inn in Dearborn, Michigan. His chauffer waited in the same room while Mr. Ford had his hair cut. The doors were always closed. A story appeared in the Detroit News at the time of Mr. Ford's death relating to my father and Mr. Ford. My father saved this hair as a very special remembrance." The article mentioned is reproduced at left to the letter, above the hair. Accompanied by 8½x11 sheet with color copy of a 5½x7 photograph of Ford, unsigned, and color copy of the envelope that originally contained the hair. The envelope is printed "The/Dearborn Inn/Dearborn, Michigan" on back flap; written in unknown hand on front: "Mr Ford Hair cut/May 6/43". With additional provenance, typed DS: "Louis Mushro", 1p, 8½x11. Grosse Point Farms, Michigan, (no date). Headed: "CERTIFICATION". In full: "I certify that I personally removed the accompanying strands from clippings of Henry Ford's personal barber: Joseph Zaroski which I have from his daughter Helene Pierce. In my opinion, there is no doubt that this is the authentic hair of Henry Ford." Due to failing health, Ford retired in 1945, two years after this hair cut. He had revolutionized American motoring with the introduction of his Model T in 1908 and improved automobile production by introducing standardized interchangeable parts and making effective use of assembly line techniques.
Fine condition.